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Tips On Making Your Blog More Interactive- With Interactive Posts

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The blog is very useful. Both as a source of marketing aproduct, a service, or a person and also as a source of revenue. Thisparticular article covers several tips that internet marketers can make use of to ensure that their blog is as Interactive posts as is possible by makingseveral changes. This is very useful and can increase traffic to your sitethereby increasing the overall revenue gained. 

Why should you ensure that your blog is interactive? Here iswhy. 

The more interactive your blog, the higher the userengagement. This ensures that the user stays for a longer time on your websiteand keeps returning. They may even share the website around. 

The more Interactive post the blog, the larger the number of visitors. This increases your overall searchengine ranking. 

It thus increases your SEO which in turn increases yourrevenue. Directly or via a higher conversion rate in terms of sales. 

How can you make your blog interactive? 

Communication. Make commenting on your website easy andsimple. To avoid spam, make use of plugins such as Akismet. Making commentingharder drives away visitors. Commenting increases the interactivity of a blog.The higher the comments on a website, the more the visitors as well as a highersearch engine ranking. 

Interactive Posts: Make sure that your blog posts are of asort and make users respond to the post via comments. Something controversialor even a simple question added at the end of the blog post could help increasethe targeted traffic. 

Hold Contests: This is a good way of making your bloginteractive since it increases traffic to your website as well as ensures thatvisitors check back regularly to look at the contest status. The prizes youoffer don't have to be gargantuan. You can require commenting for entering theprize. This even gives you contact details that you can use in your overall marketing efforts. 

Make use of Polls and Surveys. These are excellent forms ofinteractivity. People are more or less genuinely interested in sharing theiropinions via such a method. 

Sharing. Make sure that sharing of content from your websiteis easy by adding direct sharing links or making use of plugins like AddThiswhich work with simple copy/pasting of several lines of code.